Sunday, February 15, 2015

Teleportation II


  • Spatial Attacks
  • Teleportation Combat


  • The body breaks up into various materials (i.e. ice or crystals, rose petals,) and reconstruct elsewhere, possibly moving as the materials. In some cases, the user's limbs and body simply separate and reform in another location.
Instant Transmission (Energy Reading/Transportation)
Location Swapping (Switching/Trading)
  • Distort space to exchange one subject with another.
Mathematical Teleportation
  • Teleport by using mathematical formula/probability.
Molecular Teleportation (Reconstruction)
  • Teleport by disassembling molecules and reassembling them elsewhere.
Portal Creation
  • Teleport by opening a spatial portal around oneself, instantly shifting locations, or even keep the portals open to allow others to use for later.
Subspace Travel
  • Teleport into and out of subspace (also known as hyperspace), an "alternate" space adjacent the "normal" space and integral to the space-time continuum. This allows the user (and anything that they teleport) to travel much faster than the speed-of-light in normal space, as they move from one location to another instantaneously, while ignoring all physical obstacles in between.
Teleport Dash
  • Combination of high speed with teleportation which allows user to ignore normal rules.
Teleportation Orb Generation
  • Movement accomplished by "bubbles", "orbs" or domes of psionic energy set at the starting point and the destination point.
Tracking Teleportation
  • Teleport to any person the user desires to find.

    Sympathetic Travel

    Teleport through/via energy/matter/object by merging into it and emerging elsewhere from the same energy/matter/object.
    Catoptric Teleportation (Mirror Travel)
  • Teleport through/via mirrors or reflective surfaces, or teleport subjects into mirrors, trapping them within (Mirror Imprisonment).
Doorway/Gateway Teleportation (Door/Gate Travel)
  • Teleport through/via doors/gates.
Elemental Teleportation
  • Teleport through/via element.
Oneiric Teleportation (Dream Teleportation/Dream Travel)
  • Teleport through/via dreams/sleep.
Organic Teleportation
  • Teleport through/via organic matter.
Rainbow Teleportation
  • Teleport through/via rainbow.


  • Basic Level: User is capable of teleporting short distances, from one side of a room to another, or a few blocks away. User can only teleport themselves and very limited amount of mass, equal to what they are wearing/carrying.
  • Advanced Level: User is capable of teleporting large distances, from one side of a field to another, or a few kilometers or so. User can teleport limited mass, equal to several people/heavy household appliances.
  • Expert Level: User is capable of teleporting thousands of kilometers, on a continental scale. User can teleport mass equal to buss/industrial machines.
  • Master Level: User is capable of teleporting on planetary scale, moving anywhere on the planet or possibly to closest satellite such as the Moon. User can teleport mass equal to buildings.
  • Ultimate Level: User is capable of teleporting on light years distances, at a cosmic scale. User can teleport mass equal to planets.
  • Absolute Level: User is capable of teleporting anywhere, including from illusion to reality, into one's mind, even conceptual things such as teleporting wounds and diseases off of a body. User can teleport effectively unlimited mass.

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